Explain your CLI project what you could have done better?

Posted by Amanda Contreras on March 27, 2020

My CLI project is based on Harry Potter finding the characters and more info on the houses that each student lived in.

I’ve learned that API is way better to use than scraping because in scraping it’s way longer to do whereas API cut that

time probably in half once you get a better grip on it. Also in API you won’t have to worry about the structure of it being

changed to the site. I feel like I could have done my data structure better. I didn’t have so much confidence in creating it

because I’m so use to typing out my data structure for labs and it letting me know what I have done wrong. Also, I tried to

do this project all by myself because I wanted to see what I feel confident in doing and looking up things all on my own. I

should of asked for help, but that’s ok because we learn and grow :-)