Why did you decide to study Software Engineering?”

Leading to become a Software Engineer

Explain your CLI project what you could have done better?

My CLI project is based on Harry Potter finding the characters and more info on the houses that each student lived in.

I’ve learned that API is way better to use than scraping because in scraping it’s way longer to do whereas API cut that

Multidimensional arrays, wasn't discussed in the Learn curriculum

Something i learned online is multidimensional arrays. When I came across to multidimensional arrays* I thought arrays go into a different worlds, do they have many ways of being written in a different way? * Nope, lol. Its just a way to deal with an annyoing array, but it’s good to learn how to deal with it now than later and when you’re trying to research it in a hurry :-]

Why I'm studying to become a Software Engineer?

Hi, my name is Amanda Contreras. I live in New York City, where I currently work as a nanny. Before, I use to be an assistant teacher from pre-k to 2nd grade for about 5-6 years. Being a teacher was a little tough for me not because of the children, but because of administration (the political part) in the education field. No matter how hard my co-workers and I fought to get better services for our children, we were always shut down for it. I know every job has its ups & downs, but this was a down my heart couldn’t handle where no matter how hard I try for my kids I, as a teacher couldn’t give them the services they desperately need and it ached me.